The article deals with contemporary issues of waste management in the framework of risk management. A large amount of waste needs to effectively manage through a systematic approach and the integration of environmental and economic aspects. The main problem is the low level of recycling, lack of investment, due to the low attractiveness of this sphere. Analyzing the current approaches to risk reduction options, it can be concluded that the most effective is the diversification and insurance. In view of these two directions by the author proposes the use of insurance and public-private partnerships in the field of waste management. The use of environmental insurance will allow, on the basis of the preventive function, prevent the onset of adverse environmental events, and the function of redress will allow to compensate the costs of responding to environmental violations. Public-private partnership, in turn, will redistribute risks between parties involved in the process of waste management, from the standpoint of efficient management. Thus, the proposed instruments to reduce risks of projects on waste management should make this area more attractive to investors due to the additional safeguards and profits, as well as reduce the likelihood of adverse environmental events.


Ecology, risks, treatment, waste, concession.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2016
UDK: 502.58(063)
Authors: Kolotyrin K. P.

About authors: Kolotyrin K.P., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I.Vavilov, 410012, Saratov, Russia, e-mail:

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