The paper presents new methods for the preparation and development of reserves of mine fields, the development of inclined coal seam, open-revealing underground development workings (shafts), obtaining fuel pnevmougolnogo (IFB), hydrocarbon production of oil and gas and their quantity, the combined open-underground method development of coal seam mining gassy series of strata; new technical solutions: roadheader and complex device for downhole intersperse and loading points, cleaning mechanized complex, mining and tun344
neling mining unit (module). Integrated approach, the introduction of new developments will increase the efficiency, competitiveness Kuzbass coal mining industry as well as Russia.


An integrated approach, the way mine field, coal seams samoperemontazh, threesomes, PCC raspornoskolzyaschy-rolling unit, module, a complex tunneling and clea- ning.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2016
UDK: 622.831.3
Authors: Chernykh N. G.

About authors: Chernykh N.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors, OJSC Gidrouglestroy, Novokuznetsk, Russia.

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