The article analyzes the design decisions and make the adjustment of internal stability of dumps, taking into account the limit height tiers and availability slabovogo base.
It is noted that the main problem of the formation of internal piles on the section is the presence of a weak oblique base – soil of the coal seam, which is produced dumping of overburden. Given the low strength pas parameters carbonaceous rocks in soil formation sustainability generated internal dump is very challenging.
The calculation results height limit slope inclined at low basis at variable angles of inclination of contact from 0 ° to 12 °. At angles of inclination of the weak watered the ground up to a height of 12 ° sustainable tiers can be taken to be 10 – 12 m, and at a dry basis , and storage in the lower tier is stronger – breeds deep horizons , sustainable storey height may be increased to 25 m .
Evaluation of sustainability of the project outline internal dump, show on their non- steady state. Therefore, calculations were performed stability multistoried th blade on horizontal and inclined base with new sound strength characteristics. Were established according to the limiting height of blade from the general slope angle for different angles of inclination of the base, which were presented in the form of graphs, allowing to determine the general angle otkosa internal dump for various heights and angles of inclination of the blade base and defined – mine the limit height blade, depending on the general angle of repose for the time – value of personal inclination angles of a weak base.


Internal dump, the safety factor, the contact «blade -soil reservoir «design scheme, the maximum height, the general slope angle.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2016
UDK: 622.1: 622.271
Authors: Tsvetkov I. V., Bolshakov M. A., Korolev I. O.

About authors: Shpakov P.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:, e-mail:, Murom Institute (branch), Vladimir State University named after Stoletovs, 602264, Murom, Russia, Mirnyy I.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Federation AGN, e-mail:, Director of «Karagandagiproshaht and K», Karaganda, Kazakhstan, Dolgonosov V.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, e-mail:, Starostina O.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, e-mail:, Karaganda State Technical University, 100027, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

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