The article discusses the technology recovery seats bearing cone crusher bowl. During operation, the support block holds the wear surfaces of the cylindrical and conical bearing cup. Defects are manifested as generation of support surfaces vylomov, cracks, high heartbeat in the seat. The causes of defects and has developed a technology to eliminate them. The result is a complete recovery of the support cup to the desired geometric dimensions that determines ultimately increasing the productivity of cone crushers.


Bearing cup, cone crusher, welding, handling, defect, seat, grinding.

Issue number: 9
Year: 2016
UDK: 621.92
Authors: Goncharov A. B., Tulinov A. B., Ivanov V. A.

About authors: Goncharov A.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, CJSC Moscow International Corporation «Mosintrast», 141221, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Russia, e-mail:; Tulinov A.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, CJSC Moscow International Corporation «Mosintrast», 141221, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Russia, e-mail:; Ivanov V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Russian state University of tourism and service, 141221, Moscow region, Cherkizovo, Russia.

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