Significant intensification of society impact on natural environment observed over the past few decades caused the necessity of sustainable eco-economic development. Recently the natural and resource capital has transformed from superfluous to limitative factor of material production that predetermined the need of economic activity environmental regulation. Transition to the brand new way of economic activity management enabling to balance natural environment capabilities and public needs is necessary for implementation of the conception of sustainable development. New natural and economic model containing a number of postulates and imperatives is needed for sustainable development (assessment, and also more complete and efficient use of natural resources; anthropogenic impact reduction; innovative factors application; entrepreneurial potential implementation including creation of conditions for its functioning, etc.). The results of the authors’ research of environment state and industry condition are presented in the article. The system of economic, resource and ecological ratings with applicable indexes for technologies, enterprises and territories is offered. On the basis of that system the balance model of economic activity ecologization is developed which allows determining the adjusted amount of gross regional product that, in turn, will give a chance to adjust the production sphere ecologization funding process. The developed conception of production processes eco-economic simulation is described; corrective actions aimed to provide sustainable natural and economic development are offered.


Social and economic development, allocation of resources, production sphere ecologization, eco-economic efficiency, natural and economic model, eco-economic simulation, environment-friendly resource consumption.

Issue number: 9
Year: 2016
UDK: 658:332.2
Authors: Safronov A. E., Zozulya D. M.

About authors: Safronov A.E., Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:, Zozulya D.M., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail:, Don State Technical University, 344023, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

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