In the context of globalization become important issues of standardization in the priorities and parameters of the economy in a constantly changing world, such as food and energy security, the strategy of development of agriculture, taking into account environmental management and increased export orientation of the state. Justified that the implementation of the state policy in the green sectors of the economy should be realized through new technologies and methods of measurement, measuring both industrial and scientific necessity. Given the globalization of the world economy and informatization achieving a certain level of performance is only possible if there is a global interconnected network, operating on the basis of standardization. Advanced development of metrology, standardization, certification is to develop a common environmentally sound economic-economic space, which will be the basis for development of the state, regions and enterprises for the principles of «green» economy. It is shown that the standards serve as a guide when choosing technology. Therefore, the evolution of economic theory is in the direction of environmental standardization, as a factor of sustainable development and quality of life. Currently standardization should ensure the implementation of aspects of harmonization of legal and regulatory documents, such as the use of maximum allowable concentrations, security packaging, methods of recycling waste. Hence the need to harmonize the regulatory framework and develop metrological ensure standardization and product certification.


Standardization, innovation, development trends, harmonization of legal and regulatory documents.

Issue number: 9
Year: 2016
UDK: [531.7.08 + (083.74)]: 502.7
Authors: Strochenko N. I.

About authors: Strochenko N.I., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: nstrochenko@mail.ru, Sumy National Agrarian University, 40021, Sumy, Ukraine.

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