The effect of temperature on the physical and mechanical characteristics (modulus of elasticity and density) of the chalk samples with natural structural links with the natural moisture content equal to 14% is considered. More than 30 samples that were subjected to the effects of temperature for 30 minutes in the chamber of heat and cold KTH at the natural temperature range (-30 to +40 °C ± 2°), typical for the areas of chalk development in Belgorod region are prepared and tested. Methods of sample preparation and determination of density, moisture and elastic modulus are given. The experimental results are presented. The relative changes in physical and mechanical characteristics from the temperature are extreme in nature and are well approximated by polynomial functions of the second order. The approximation reliability is 0,87–0,93 for the density and elastic modulus, respectively. The test results are processed by the program «ASIS Report». Analysis of changes in the density and elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) of samples depending on the temperature factor exposure is given. It is found that significant changes in elastic modulus are observed at relatively small changes in density. The lowest values of the elastic modulus are characteristic for the temperature 0 °C, and they are equal to 410 MPa. The highest values of the elastic modulus are characteristic for negative temperatures. At a temperature of -30 °C with the natural humidity from 13 to 14%, it increases to 99% and exceeds the value of 800 MPa, which is associated with the formation of cryogenic structural connections in the rock. At 30 °C the elastic modulus is increased by 27%, which at 40 °C reaches 640 MPa (56%). This is related to hardening of the structural links between rock particles by evaporation of moisture from it. The obtained dependences allow us to understand the mechanisms of the changes occurring in the rock under the influence of variable physical fields and to take into account their impact in the development of chalk deposits.


Chalk, development of deposits, rock destruction, temperature factor, modulus of elasticity, density, natural moisture.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.02:531
Authors: Ermolovich E. A., Ovchinnikov A. V.

About authors: Ermolovich E.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Assistant Professor, e-mail:, Ovchinnikov A.V., Senior Lecturer, e-mail:, Belgorod State National Research University, 308015, Belgorod, Russia.

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