During the period of transition and development of market relations in the Russian coal industry managed to significantly increase productivity and reduce fatal injuries. However, the existing rates are not sufficient to ensure a sustainable competitiveness of coal producers in the world market due to the innovative development of a more dynamic environment, including competitors. It intensifies the urgency of developing the theory and methodology of the study and evaluation of internal reserves of coal-mining production association. It needs to be innovative development, including priority changing organizational and technological structure. Under the organizational and technological structure means a system of organizational and economic relations of the subjects of coal production association, technical and technological support the extraction and processing of coal, which determines the level of efficiency and safety. The level of the capacity of coal production association, and hence the development of internal reserves, determined by the type and balance of two interrelated components – a system of organizational and economic relations and technical and technological support. Formation of internal reserves of cyclically. Realization of reserves provided the organizational and economic mechanism.


Coal mining production association, competitiveness, internal reserves, use of the potential, innovative development, organizational and technological structure, intraproductive innovation cycle, mechanism.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.014.2
Authors: Kostarev A.S.

About authors: Kostarev A.S., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance – Financial Director of «SUEK – Khakassia», e-mail:, 655162, Republic of Khakassia, Chernogorsk, Russia.

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