The article informs on the system of mine rescue brigades in Russia and analyzes their activity. The author identifies current problems in the organization of subunits of mines rescue brigades and the specificity of their operation in underground mines associated with the continuous work in an unbreathable air (to 4 h), in space-limited environment of cave-ins, under high temperatures and explosion hazards. In this context, one of the most urgent objectives
to be reached by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the elimination of underground accidents out of which 80% are fires and explosions. Based on the analyses of state of the mine rescue art in Russia, the ways of reaching the set objective are proposed.


Mine rescue brigade, robot mine rescue-man, accident, normative standard, aeromobile center, solid foamer, mobility, maneuver effectiveness.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.867.1: 351.862. 216.1
Authors: Pikina E. V., Chibinev N. N., Chibinev K. N., Shmat’ko M. E., Shmat’ko A. E.

About authors: Pikina E.V., Student, Chibinev N.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chibinev K.N., Magister Shmat’ko M.E., Student, e-mail:, Shmat’ko A.E., Student, M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 346428, Novocherkassk, Russia.

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