Systems of mine drainage is an integral and the most energy-intensive process in mining, providing security and opportunity to the whole performance of mining production. On many mines flooded by a factor watery greater than one amount pumped mine water exceeds the amount of extracted minerals. One reason for the high energy intensity of mine water outflow is polluted mine water of mechanical impurities in the form of coal and rock spillage, the content of which is about 10–20% by volume of the pumped liquid. Improving the energy efficiency of mine water outflow is directly related to the need to apply to the mining horizons and areas hydromechanized devices for mine water removal from the solid component. This technology of mine water outflow to reduce the magnitude of required pressure pumping units, improves the reliability of operation of the equipment and pipelines, and their working life. Existing methods of purification of mine water into the main systems of water outflow do not achieve the required quality of mine water. The water collectors and sedimentation
tanks installed in the main systems of water outflow, clean water shaft only by the largest particles and require periodic cleaning by silting. The applied methodology for calculating of mine systems of water outflow generally do not take into account the presence in water shaft of mechanical particles. In this connection the mine pumps operate at elevated pressure.


Mine water, solids concentration, clarification, head losses, plate thickener.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.794
Authors: Aleksandrov V. I., Avksent’ev S. Yu., Makharatkin P. N.

About authors: Aleksandrov V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Avksent’ev S.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Makharatkin P.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, National Mineral Resource University «University of Mines», 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, e-mail:

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