The article discusses the possibility of the first phase of evaluation of durability of welded connection of the driving drum of belt conveyor – definition of the number of cycles before the nucleation of microcracks. Evaluation is made using a strain of fatigue failure criterion based on an analysis of the deformation of the Cree-O fatigue. These curves are described by Baskvina-Manson-Coffin. To solve the problem of assessing the durability curves of the number of cycles of crack from the strain amplitude curves are translated into the number of cycles of stress amplitude. On the basis of the available experimental data recalculation strain amplitude in the amplitude of the stresses and the dependence, for which the suggested approximating expression with the corresponding constants. Experimental data have a large dispersion, so the built linear regression dependence corresponding expectation and highlighted areas corresponding 95% confidence intervals.
To establish the law of distribution of the number of cycles accepted model with cumulative distribution function of the logarithm of the number of cycles in a Weibull law, and to describe the distribution of micro in time and space by adopting a Poisson law.
Based on this model law to determine the distribution of the number of cycles to crack initiation, which takes into account: the dispersion properties of the metal, the voltage variation along the forming shell of the drum, the scale factor, the voltage variation of the belt.


Conveyor belt, microcracks, drive drum, durability of the welded joint, finite element method, fatigue.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2017
UDK: 621.867.2
Authors: Solovykh D. Ya.

About authors: Solovykh D.Ya., Graduate Student, Assistant, e-mail:, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.

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