In this article the author has analyzed financial condition of the coal mining enterprises. The author compared the financial results of the coal industry with the financial results of other sectors of the fuel and energy sector.
The author has analyzed the need for a research and development risk-oriented internal control system. The author has defined the duty of enterprises to organize the internal control system at the legislative level. The author has established the connection of financial risks and financial performance. The author has defined the financial risks inherent in coal enterprises, and also describes measures to prevent them.


Finance, the coal industry, the financial analysis, financial ratios, profitability, risks, risk management, internal control.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 336.6
Authors: Bokataya S. V., Zemtsov A. A.

About authors: Bokataya S.V., Graduate Student, e-mail:, Zemtsov A.A., Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, National Research Tomsk State University, 634029, Tomsk, Russia.

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