The article is devoted to the following phenomenon research and development of scientific bases of eco-economic risks’ qualitative identification, which are inherent in the mining industry. In particular, in this article a thesis about mining industries specifics and strong influence of particular ecological factors on the natural-economic activities results are described. Based on the analysis of the current management practice of mining-and-geological projects, the following conclusion was drawn: traditional approaches prevail over the analysis and an assessment of eco-economic risks of industrial programs without specifics of subsurface use, engineering procedures and appropriate sections of mining law. By results of the existing approaches studying to high-quality identification of industry risks the author’s typology of ecoeconomic risks of subsurface was constituted. It includes two main categories: quantitative (parametrical) and high-quality (nonparametric) group of risks.The authors paid attention to oil and gas programs, considered from the standpoint of potential investors who identified and clearly analyzed the levels of the most significant types of risk. In the process of research is defined and structured the most important problems of identification and systematization of ecological and economic risks of the mining industry. It is made a point of the lack satisfactory analytical techniques, reflecting the specific requirements for the reduction of absolute levels of economic losses and optimizing the environmental impact of mining. It is noted weak control environmental risks and the magnitude of possible economic impacts of their realization.
The practical results of the study include recommendations on the choice of methods for the assessment and management of ecological-economic risks, among which highlighted the role of environmental insurance, with significant experience applying abroad and have considerable potential in the conditions of toughening of requirements to environmental protection in our country.


Identification, analysis, assessment, eco-economic risk, mining industry, mining-and-geological projects, subsurface use, nature protection insurance.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 658.5.011: 622
Authors: Murzin A. D., Rogova T. M.

About authors: Murzin A.D., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Rogova T.M., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Lecturer, Southern Federal University, 344091, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, e-mail:

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