The paper studied the behavior of asbestos fibers in the vertical air flow. The studies were conducted in a cylindrical tube portions rotametricheskogo-sailing classifier. Studied undeformed fibers anthophyllite asbestos specific gravity of 3.0 g / cm2, and chrysotile asbestos specific gravity of 2.45 g / cm2. Observations on the location of the fibers at their Vitanov showed that with steady motion, they are oriented in relation to the flow of air to its highest section, m. E. The velocity vector is perpendicular to the cylinder. Flow velocity measurements fibers of various lengths and thicknesses in a cylindrical tube allowed to establish the following: a vertical air flow rate Withania asbestos fibers within the ratio L / D = 5 ÷ 40 does not depend on the length and is the square of their diameter. The characteristic shape of the particle is the ratio of air (frontal) Resistance depending on Reynolds number parameter, surface condition, its position in space relative to the direction of air flow. The findings suggest that the calculation of Withania speed fiber must be made through its diameter. We derive empirical formulas to calculate the speed of Withaniaundeformedanthophyllite and chrysotile fibers and set limits Re, in which formulas are valid. We obtain the aerodynamic characteristics were used for the calculation and design of pneumatic systems, fine granular materials of rocks. The developed device can be also used in other industries.


Asbestos fiber Withania, speed airflow, resistance coefficient, surface, aerodynamic properties, diameter, friction.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.75. 622.367.6. 622.273
Authors: Potapov V. Ya., Makarov V. N., Anohin P. M., Potapov V. V., Kostjuk P. A., Stepanenkov D. D.

About authors: Potapov V.Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Assistant Professor, e-mail:, Makarov V.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Anokhin P.M., Assistant Professor, Potapov V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Kostyuk P.A., Graduate Student, Stepanenkov D.D., Master’s Degree Student, Ural State Mining University, 620144, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

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