The experience of the researchers in the field of work physiology and psychology in mines has been generalized, and the practical training course has been developed for mining engineers.
The theoretical studies in the area of human physiology, human response to exogenous irritants, initiation of diseases, including occupation-conditioned and occupational, should go with the learning of normative acts on labor protection.
The subject of human physiology and psychology handles two primary problems based on the analyses of physiological reactions of a working man. First, it determines the optimal indexes of the functional state and psychological status of a man, which enable high operational capability and working efficiency. Second, it develops the work process characteristics (work difficulty and intensity, optimal and allowable parameters of a workplace) to prevent a worker from aggravating influence of work factors and to ensure safety of work. These problems show the orientation of labor psychophysiology towards preventive maintenance aimed to ensure preservation and promotion of health, as well as occupational activity and longevity of a working man.


Human physiology, human psychology, psychophysiological properties, interpersonal relations of workers, conflict resolution methods, guidance manuals, human performance and health, operational capability, work efficiency, hygienic evaluation of working environment factors, harmful and hazardous labor conditions, mining industry, mining, labor safety, process safety and mine rescue work, occupational diseases, hygienic standards, public health regulations, industrial environment.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 612.821
Authors: Yushkova O. I., Mikhaylova V. N., Balovtsev S. V.

About authors: Yushkova O.I., Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: doktorolga@inbox.ru, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia, Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, Moscow, Russia, Mikhaylova V.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: vklon@yandex.ru, Technical Inspection of Labor, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, Moscow, Russia, Balovtsev S.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: Balovcev@yandex.ru, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.

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«Ob utverzhdenii perechney vrednykh i (ili) opasnykh proizvodstvennykh faktorov i rabot, pri vypolnenii kotorykh provodyatsya obyazatel’nye predvaritel’nye i periodicheskie meditsinskie osmotry (obsledovaniya), i poryadka provedeniya obyazatel’nykh predvaritel’nykh i periodicheskikh meditsinskikh osmotrov (obsledovaniy) rabotnikov, zanyatykh na tyazhelykh rabotakh i na rabotakh s vrednymi i (ili) opasnymi usloviyami truda» (Approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous industrial factors and operations to be accompanied with obligatory preliminary and periodical medical inspections (examinations) and the procedures of the preliminary and periodical medical inspections (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy services and in services connected with harmful and (or) hazardous labor conditions, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Order No. 302n dated April 12, 2011).
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