Low-grade ore introduced into processing affects the mineral enrichment process. As a result, consumption of reagents, power and mineral resources, as well as the quantity of finely ground tailings grow, which worsens ecology in the area of a mining and processing plant.
The article analyzes the factors that govern the quality of the finished product (apatite concentrate) in the enrichment process in terms of Apatit company. One of such factors is variation of the useful mineral component in the flotation feed. The curves of the change in Р2О5 content of ore fed to flotation within a day are obtained based on two random samplings of lab analysis data on useful mineral content of the flotation feed and of the concentrate. The analysis has shown comparatively high square deviation of the useful mineral content of the ore. Under assumption that consumption of flotation agents ANOF3 is calculated based on 12–13 % content of Р2О5 in the ore, the quality of processing products only depends on the skill of the personnel and on the extra consumption of flotation agents.
This problem should be treated wholistically and systemically. From the systemic standpoint, the natural, geotechnical, economical and managerial capabilities of the plant are analyzed toward stabilization of the quality of ore feed for processing and flotation.
This is of high priority to introduce auxiliary divisions and additional technologies aimed to stabilize ore quality and the ore quality control management at mining and processing plants.


The variability of apatite ore quality, the content of useful ore components, dressing production, waste formation, the concentrate quality.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 502.11: 316.4.051.2
Authors: Ozmidov I. O.

About authors: Ozmidov I.O., Head of Technological Department, e-mail:, MOSTDORGEOTREST, 129344, Moscow, Russia.

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