Presents the results of research state of rock mass containing a mine working in passed for coal seam deep enough. In the ground coal seam is a layer of rocks, the strength of which is comparable to the strength of a formation. Diagrams conventional stress layer and layer presented by Prandtl diagram where you plot the marginal deformation of the material, horizontal.
The model state of massif of rocks describes its deformation in the transition to the ultimate state. It is based on the fundamental equations of solid mechanics and uses the equations of the theory of elasticity, theory of strength of rocks Coulomb – Mohr and the theory of granular media. The model assumes that the array is in plane strain state. In the process of implementation of the model received dependences of the sizes of maximum intense zone of a coal seam near mine workings from of its strength characteristics for a number of depths. Discovered the characteristics of strength of layer of rocks in which they transition to the ultimate state. It is shown that with the increase of the strength coefficient of the coal seam, the values of coefficient concentration of stress in tense of zones decreased in a nonlinear.


The massif of rocks, coal seam, mine working, the limit stress state, the layer of rock.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.241.54
Authors: Cherdantsev N. V.

About authors: Cherdantsev N.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, e-mail:, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 650065, Kemerovo, Russia.

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