Coal or ore underground and open pit mines are hazardous production objects. One of the hazardous and harmful factors in any mine is dust. Issues of dust explosion safety remain yet to be solved. Dust release grows with the higher production output. Dust is not only the cause of occupational diseases and accidents in mines (explosions) but also affects health of population in mining areas. The article gives a brief assessment of the current scientific and technical solutions in the field of dust protection.


Safety, dust, mines, ventilation, dust suppression.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2017
UDK: 622.807: 622.33
Authors: Petrova K. I.

About authors: Petrova K.I., Student, e-mail: ksushka_161994@mail.ru, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.

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