Based on assessment of stress state of rocks, prediction of geodynamic events is carried for the period of preparation of extraction block 6 in the East Site of Tashtagol deposit using electrometry and deep-seated strain metering. All in all, 200 measurements were taken. In the adjacent rock mass of the extraction block, more than 70 geodynamic events were recorded. It was found that flat and steeply dipping fractures in rock mass surrounding extraction block 6 as well as a tectonic dislocation 1–3 m wide induced geodynamic activity during mining. Aimed to reduce stresses and create a protection zone, choke fan blasting with different delays was carried out, which allowed relocating bumps into the depth of rock mass and reduced geodynamic activity in the mining zone.


Electrometry, rockburst hazard, protection zone, choke blasting, fan drilling.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.831
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-5-0-74-80
Authors: Filippov V. N., Eremenko A. A., Aleksandrov A. N., etc.

About authors: Filippov V.N. (1), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, e-mail:, Eremenko A.A. (1), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Science, e-mail:, Aleksandrov A.N. (1), Researcher, e-mail:, Matveev I.F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Technical Control Department of Tashtagol Group of «Evrazruda» LTD, 652970, Tashtagol, Kemerovo Region, Russia, e-mail:, Shtirts V.А., Chief of the Rockburst Prediction and Prevention Service, Tashtagol Division, «Evrazruda» LTD, 652970, Tashtagol Kemerovo Region, Russia, e-mail:, Khristolyubov E.A., Deputy Head of Technical Department, Gornaya Shoria Division, «Evrazruda» LTD, 652971, Sheregesh, Kemerovo Region, Russia, e-mail:, 1) Chinakal Institute of Mining of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 630091, Novosibirsk, Russia.


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