The article addresses the issues of environmental impact during oil production at the Prirazlomnoe field on the Pechora Sea shelf using a sea ice-resistant platform. The depth of water at the drilling site (19.2 m) allows well construction from the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant platform (OIRP) installed in the center of the oil field. The platform is a multi-purpose facility providing for every process operation of oil field development (drilling, production, storage, shipment). Prirazlomnaya OIRP is designed so that to ensure maximum safety of oil production. The platform is meant for bearing maximum ice forces and is capable to stand direct impact of waves 10 m high. The Prirazlomnaya platform is protected from such attacks by a special structure with a height of 16.4 m—a deflector made of high-strength steel. The oil rig is secured from any exposure, which enables drilling in all weathers and even under wind load of 51 m/s. The safety margin of the platform exceeds greatly the actual loads. The add-on security of production wells includes special equipment to shutdown oil lifting if required. The overall volume of waste after construction of 35 wells in the field is no more than 142 755 m3. Under efficient production management and given adherence to the pumping technology standards, the waste disposal needs a single injection well. Pollution prevention measures on OIRP include installation of a closed drain system for collecting hazardous discharges from production facilities under pressure. Environmental impact of physical factors of the platform is estimated. The physical factors include acoustic and heat emission, electromagnetic field and ionization radiation. Activity ratio of the physical factors is expected to be insignificant.


Arctic shelf, offshore ice-resistant platform, well, drilling, reservoir pressure maintenance, oil production, environmental protection.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2018
UDK: 553.982.2
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-5-0-95-101
Authors: Malyukov V. P., Fedin V. D.

About authors: Malyukov V.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Fedin V.D., Magister, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 113093, Moscow, Russia.


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