Control and prediction of power consumption regimes is one of the pressing problems in mineral mining industry. One of the heaviest expenditure items is connected with the electricity bills payment. Optimization of price brackets of power to be consumed and application of consumption controllers facilitates reduction in maximum energy consumption in the production rush hours, decreases energy loss in internal and external mains, reduction in electricity bills and creation of favorable operation conditions for electric power systems in the tightest periods of day. Efficiency of the adjustment measures towards electricity reduction and power consumption limitation in the time of peak demand and transfer to electric power consumption to a day time zone when the electricity bills are minimal is evaluated; the compound plots of actual and wattless power are drawn; one-part and two-part electricity tariffs are calculated and performance capability of using different power price brackets (3–6 price brackets) is appraised. The algorithm is put forward for electric energy consumption prediction for a month period based on artificial neural networks to determine optimum price brackets, including planning.


Power consumption control, electricity tariff, consumer–controller, artificial neural networks, backpropagation algorithm.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2018
UDK: 621.314
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-5-0-206-213
Authors: Abramovich B. N., Babanova I. S.

About authors: Abramovich B.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:, Babanova I.S., Graduate Student, e-mail:, Saint Petersburg Mining University, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


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