Currently innovative activity is a high-end economic instrument to make a company more competitive. Competitive capacity of a production plant is provided by the scientific and technological product of the plant and by the rate of persistent advances in production techniques using the latest inventions and based on introduction of modern methods of labor management and production engineering. The scope of this article embraces key characteristics of a coal mine and tendencies in the coal mining industry in whole. The notion of innovations is addressed as the principal mechanism to enhance competitive capacity of a coal mine, and the stages of introduction and implementation of innovations are discussed. The concept of innovation management in coal mining is considered as a unique activity in modern industry. The successful examples of innovation implementations as an instrument of increase in competitive capacity of the coal mining industry in the Russian Federation are presented. The key issues of the coal mining industry development program up to 2030 are highlighted and discussed. The illustrative case studies describe competitive recovery in coal mining based on innovative technologies and using Russia’s brainpower. The stages of initiation, propagation and promotion of innovations towards the scientific and technological progress in the industry are described in the article.


Innovation, scientific and technological advance, mechanism, introduction, brainpower, competitive capacity, coal mining company, strategy, development, economy.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.003
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-5-0-220-227
Authors: Stefanovskaya O. M., Fedchishin V. V.

About authors: Stefanovskaya O.M., Graduate Student, e-mail:, Fedchishin V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Director of Energy Department, Head of Chair, Institute of Power Engineering, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 664074, Irkutsk, Russia.


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