The problem connected with the substantiation of an optimal depth for the open pit-to-underground mining transition has been addressed by many researchers in Russia and abroad. The fact is that there exists a limit open pit mine depth the excess of which is economically inefficient. The majority of scientists and practitioners neglect the high cost of land reclamation in conformity with geotechnical and sanitary standards so that the land is exploitable in one of the selected areas: agriculture, forestry, fishery management, recreation, sanitary protection or construction. The optimality criterion is usually the maximum total profit or maximum NPV of open pit and underground mining methods; in this case, the variant of separate maximum profit of open pit or underground mining is infeasible and it is only allowed to choose the variant of maximum profit achieved in joint open pit and underground. The set problem can be solved using the available methods of the Lerchs–Grossman, Seymour, floating cone, dynamic programming, neural networks, theory of graphs, flow networks, etc. It is proposed to apply an optimization algorithm of open pit mine depth limit in hybrid mining based on the criterion of NPV of open pit mining, underground mining and land reclamation with iterative reduction in maximum open pit mine depth and calculation of the cumulative criterion per each step. The resultant profit–depth curve shows the total and local optimums.


Optimization, open pit mine depth, hybrid mining, coal deposit.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.271.004.1:622.271.326
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-45-54
Authors: Sencus Val. V., Malafeev D. V., Abramkin N. I.

About authors: Sencus Val.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Mining Department, LLC «Proektgidrougol-H», Novokuznetsk, Russia, Malafeev D.V., Leading Engineer of Mining Department, the Branch of LLC «Sibniumugleobogaschenie», Prokopyevsk, Russia, Abramkin N.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.


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