The issues of dump stability at the Eldorado deposit are discussed. Overburden rocks were placed in external dumps nos. 1–3 located on the northern, southern and north-eastern pitwalls, respectively. By the present time, the dumps are filled incompletely and are operating. The state of the external dumps is analyzed. Deformation is observed on the slopes of dumps placed on the bases composed of loam and wood sandy clay which belong to medium-heaving soil. The stability and deformation of the dumps is influenced by physicogeographic, geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical factors. Parameters of stable dumps on horizontal and inclined bases are calculated by the force polygon method using the techniques by R.P. Okatov, P.S. Shpakov and A.M. Mochalov, and by the numerical–analytical method of P.S. Shpakov. Stability of a multi-layered dump on an inclined base is estimated. The slope stability was calculated in the StabilityAnalysis program. The final conclusions on the dump slope stability are drawn.


Dump, slope, overburden, dump stability, sliding surface, safety factor

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.271
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-69-79
Authors: Shpakov P. S., Yunakov Yu. L.

About authors: Shpakov P.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: SPSP01@rambler.ru, e-mail: SPSP01@mail.ru., Murom Institute (branch), Vladimir State University named after Stoletovs, 602264, Murom, Russia, Yunakov Yu.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, Siberian Federal University, Institute of mining, geology and geotechnologies, 660025, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.


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