The analysis on improvement of soil pumps which are used in the mountain and concentrating enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided in article. As a result of the analysis of operation of soil pumps it is revealed that soil pumps, don't meet modern requirements for indicators of reliability and power consumption, a possibility of regulation of working parameters. The main shortcomings of soil pumps low life cycle of details of a flowing part of pumps is. By the present moment the main directions of increase in a working resource of pound pumps — cavitation process drop are offered; the reduction in the rate of course of a hydro abrasive mixture in a cavity of the driving wheel allowing to reduce superficial wear of structural elements of a wheel and increase in the soaking-up ability of the pump; vibration influence drop, both a hydro abrasive mixture, and the pump in general, in the course of transfer of a pulp, allocation of a solid part of a hydro mixture until its receipt in a cavity of the driving wheel. And also the solution on increase in operational term of operation of the pump and drop of wear of surfaces of details of the driving wheel are submitted new technical.


Soil pumps, pulp, pipe duct, driving wheel, carving joints, hydro transport, highway, liner to permit, compaction, snail.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 621.671
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-161-169
Authors: Povetkin V. V., Kerimzhanova M. F., Orlova Y. P., Bukayeva A. Z.

About authors: Povetkin V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:, Kerimzhanova M.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Orlova Y.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bukayeva A.Z., Doctoral Student Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.


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