In hybrid mining with accessing thick coal beds, coal extraction is complicated by generation of extra faces of gas emission, which increases air gas content in mined-out area by 40–60 %. There is no developed procedure to calculate and predict gas content in thick coal mines, and it is necessary to investigate and substantiate gas emission from exposed surfaces in production headings, such as damaged top coal, broken coal on powered support and on rear conveyor, enclosing rock mass and closely-spaced coal beds. With the new factors included, it will be possible to estimate parameters of ventilation in underground mines in the hybrid mining method. The computational experiments show that methane flow rate per unit area of undermined rocks reaches maximum value. Later on, it reduces and, starting at a certain moment, remains unchanged with time. This type of the relationship points at certain inertia of the fractured porous medium, and the gas-dynamic process in such medium is characterized by the extreme parameters, which agree with the qualitative pattern observed in reality.


Methane release, mining, thick, gently dipping, coal bed.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 822.831:622.031.4
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-193-206
Authors: Ermakov A. Yu., Kachurin N. M.

About authors: Ermakov A.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Manager of the Branch, LLC «Sibniiugleobogaschenie», Prokopyevsk, Russia, Kachurin N.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, Tula State University, 300012, Tula, Russia.


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