The review of process flow charts for top coal caving in thick gently dipping coal exhibits availability of a variety of the actual-to-date and new mining methods, means and structures. Full-face cutting with top coal caving in thick coal seams forms four exposed surfaces for methane release and there are nine methane emission sources in a production face, which should be taken into account. The article proposes a procedure to predict methane release and air flow in a temporary roadway. The estimation of the consistency between the predicted and actual data for different mines in Kuzbass shows a satisfactory agreement of the results.


Methane prediction, hazards, geotechnologies, underground mining, coal, development, gently dipping coal seam.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.817.44:622.412
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-207-213
Authors: Kachurin N. M., Ermakov A. Yu., Ermakov E. A.

About authors: Kachurin N.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, Tula State University, 300012, Tula, Russia, Ermakov A.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Manager of Branch, LLC «Sibniiugleobogaschenie», Prokopyevsk, Russia, Ermakov E.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department, LLC «SUEK», Moscow, Russia.


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