The method has been developed to estimate the influence of cost on the efficiency and reliability of ventilation system. The method involves the analysis of possible parameter- and structure-based approaches to the enhancement of efficiency and reliability of mined ventilation systems and calculation of extra capital and operating cost per stages of relevant design projects or mining programs (driving, support, expansion and reinforcement of underground excavations, air hole drilling, stoping, ventilation and fixed personnel). The obtained results make it possible to select the most economically efficient variant of mine ventilation based on the criterion of minimum reduced cost per unit (cost of coal in terms of ventilation factor).


Mine ventilation, operational reliability and efficiency, parameter- and structure-based methods of mine ventilation efficiency and reliability enhancement, capital cost, operating cost.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.4:622.019.3
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-6-0-214-221
Authors: Ushakov V. K.

About authors: Ushakov V.K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:


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