The rising relevance of systematization, acquisition and use of ecological information on the relief, soil, water, climate, as well as the nature and rate of anthropogenic impact on the environment in a certain area calls for complex information systems. Such data are accumulated in accordance with their complexity level and systematized based on different features: subject, territory, etc. The problem of accumulation and systematization is solved by generating a base of metadata, structured and encoded data that describe characteristics of data-carrying objects, which favors to identification, detection and control of these objects. Modern GIS-applications allow operating all three types of data: vector data, raster data and databases. Regarding the ecological evaluation of areas, the role of map data and geographic information networks grows. For solving environmental problems, the Quantum GIS product appears to be an optimal choice. Application of geoinformation technologies enables connecting heterogeneous geological, geophysical and geochemical information and remote sensing data. Furthermore, it becomes possible to perform higher-level integrated interpretation of data, to rank areas by the stability category, to prepare operational information, to seek and find inexplicit natural ties between nature objects, etc. With the development of geoinformation technologies, ecology has acquired new mighty tools for monitoring, estimation and prediction of environmental condition, which, in turn, governs dynamic and sustainable development in a region.


Geoinformation technologies, map data base, GIS (Geographic Information System), remote sensing, NDVI.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2018
UDK: 504.064.36
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-8-0-46-53
Authors: Lipinа L. N., Usikov V. I.

About authors: Lipinа L.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher, e-mail:, Usikov V.I., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Senior Researcher, e-mail:, Institute of Mining of Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 680000, Khabarovsk, Russia.


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