Variation of natural landscape under the influence of underground voids in many instances threatens environment, human activity and even life in case of destruction of activity objects, which happens when boundaries of the object and ground surface settlement trough intersect and the object possesses deficient factor of strength to sustain additional load caused by the change in the object area of bearing on the surface. In this study, using the Coulomb–Mohr limit condition of granular medium, geometry of location of plastic shear surfaces and parallelepiped-shaped settlement trough above an underground excavation is predicted. It is assumed that side walls take no part in the settlement trough formation. Under discussion are cases of a layer having uniform mechanical properties. The procedure is extended to the situation of laminar distribution of the mechanical properties and to a stochastic combination of rocks with taking account of their concentrations by volume. The aspects of geometric construction of settlement troughs above inclined mine openings are discussed. Finally, recommendations are given on plotting complex overlapping settlement troughs caused by numerous openings driven on various horizons within a mine field. 


Ground surface settlement trough, Mohr–Coulomb law, geomechanical calculation, rock mass stress state, mine field.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.831
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-8-0-84-92
Authors: Kravchuk A. S., Smaluk A. F., Slavashevich S. I.

About authors: Kravchuk A.S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Assistant Professor, e-mail:, Belarusian State University, 220030, Minsk, Belarus, Smaluk A.F., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Belarusian National Technical University, 220013, Minsk, Belarus, Slavashevich S.I., Leading Engineer, JSC «Belaruskaliy», 223710, Soligorsk, Belarus.


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