According to Nui Beo JSC production plant, open pit mining operations are to be ceased due to difficulties connected with the further expansion of the open pit, while extra coal reserves occur under the territory of Ha Long, one of the cultural and touristic centers in Vietnam. In order to handle this problem, Nui Beo JSC is going to extract these coal reserves using the underground method. Underground coal mining under protected objects, with total roof caving, without pre-determined sound depth of mining and selected alternatives (backfilling, safety pillars) will have impact on buildings on ground surface. In Vietnam, they have not yet found optimal scenarios of underground mining under protected objects, only the theoretical research has been accomplished, and coal reserves serve as safety pillars. Consequently, to meet the challenge of the Nui Beo Coal Mine, it is required to analyze the effect exerted by process flow chart parameters on ground surface movement during underground coal mining under protected objects.


Deformation modulus, movement, protected objects, procedure, surface, backfill materials, Nui Beo.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2018
UDK: 622. 834
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-8-0-93-107
Authors: Le Van Khau

About authors: Le Van Khau, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific and Technological Mining Institute Vinakomin, Hanoi, Vietnam, e-mail:


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