The main stages of mathematical modeling involved in subsoil geometrization are discussed. On the ground of the analysis data on properties of mathematical models, such as sensitivity, flexibility, stochastic behavior, multicriteriality and multifactorial properties, as well as overview of prospecting networks deployed at mineral deposits of various complexity categories, the generalized scheme of geometrization-based economic-and-mathematical modeling is presented. The scope of the discussion embraces the key factors that influence accuracy of the modeling, and it is shown that all these factors can be grouped into natural and techno-economical. Natural factors are time-constant up to the onset of mining, while economic factors vary with time; for this reason, efficient parameters of prospecting network deployed at a deposit and the deposit geometrization procedure may totally differ. The generalized scheme of economic-and-mathematical modeling of a deposit based on its geometrization presents two key factors that define the required and sufficient accuracy of the model. The resultant model is the framework for mine planning and design with the preset quantitative and qualitative figures of mining.


Subsoil geometry, mathematical model, deposit geometrization, mathematical modeling, prospecting network parameters, factors, minerals.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.001.5:550.8
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-8-0-133-138
Authors: Kozlov S. V., Abramyan A. G.

About authors: Kozlov S.V., Graduate Student, e-mail:, Abramyan A.G., Graduate Student, e-mail:, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.


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