The article discusses the inevitable worldwide increase in volumes of mineral mining and processing waste due to the Earth population upsurge and higher per capita consumption of minerals, the related currentness of using mineral mining and processing waste in order to replenish the minerals and raw materials supply and to abate ecological stress, as well as the importance of handling of this problem in Russia taking the leading position in the global production of minerals. Procedures for appraisal of waste of primary ore processing, evaluation of use efficiency of mining waste and distribution of benefit subject to balance between the economic interests of the State—subsoil owner and mines—subsoil users are described. The results of solution of these problems are presented in terms of introduction of apatite and baddeleyite waste into development at the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant. The possibility of creating an unbiased economic base with appraisal of mineral resources to reach objectives of sound management of mineral wealth is shown.


Waste, price of mineral resources, use efficiency, methods.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.272.013.34/364
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-8-0-200-207
Authors: Melnikov N. N., Busyrev V. M., Churkin O. E.

About authors: Melnikov N.N., Scientific Director of Institute, Аcademician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Busyrev V.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Churkin O.E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academic Secretary, Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 184209, Apatity, Russia, e-mail:


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