The implemented sorption and spectroscopic research in coal seam 13 in Krasnolimanskaya Mine shows that volatile yield of coal increases and adsorption properties improve before an outburst. It is supposed that the mentioned factors create conditions for a gas-dynamic phenomenon. Methane adsorption capacity and volatile yield decrease in coal under an outburst, and coal structure changes. The research findings afford ground for an assumption that a zone with the increased concentrations of methane and volatile matter forms in a coal seam before an outburst. Formation of such zone with the higher Vdaf and methane content makes it possible to suggest that metamorphization of this coal seam portion took place under different thermodynamic conditions. The article shows that damage of coal under an outburst results in the decrease of methane content in coal microblocks. Using the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, it is possible to assess qualitative changes in carbon-bearing materials subjected to influence of different factors and to evaluate quantitatively distributions of carbon atoms in functional groups during analysis of structural–functional transformations.

This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 16-05-00584-a.


Microblocks, methane desorption, coal outburst, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, coal structure.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.02: 536.244
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-46-55
Authors: Ulyanova E. V., Vasilkovskiy V. A., Malinnikova O. N.

About authors: Ulyanova E.V. (1), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, e-mail, ekaterina-ulyanova@yandex.ru, Vasilkovskiy V.A., Doktor of Technical Sciences, Head of Department, Institute for Physics of Mining Processes National Academy Sciences of Ukraine (IPMP NAS of Ukraine), 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine, e-mail: v.vasilkovskiy@inbox.ru, Malinnikova O.N. (1), Doktor of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: olga_malinnikova@mail.ru, 1) Institute of Problems of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences, 111020, Moscow, Russia.


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