The article presents some research findings on the effect of basalt fiber 6 mm in length with a diameter of 23 μm on strength of fine-grained concrete (cement-and-sand matrix) under bending, compression and alternating thermal forces. It is found that the maximum increase in the bending strength of concrete by 31–36% is reached at the fiber content of 4–6% of dry mixture weight (cement+sand). There is no considerable increment in the compressive strength; moreover, at the fiber content of 6%, the compressive strength decreases by 16% as compared with the initial (non-reinforced) specimens. Exposure to 5 accelerated freezing–thawing cycles (freezing temperature 50±5°С, State Standard GOST 10060.2-95) resulted in the reduction in the bending strength of non-reinforced specimens by 73% as against the untreated specimens whereas the strength of the specimens with the fiber content of 2 and 4% lowered by 40 and 35%, respectively. In the compression testing, 5 freezing–thawing cycles decreased the strength of the check non-reinforced specimens by 47% while the decrease in the strength of the reinforced specimens with the fiber content of 2% made 5% as against the check specimens, which corresponded to the freeze resistance grade F200 in compliance with GOST 10060.2-95. The obtained results prove that disperse reinforcement of fine-grained concrete with basalt fiber can increase freezing resistance of concrete and its resilience under bending and compression, which expands application field of concrete.


Fiber, basalt fiber, fine-grained concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, composite, bending and compression strength, freeze resistance.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 691.322.7
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-56-62
Authors: Alekseev K. N., Kurilko A. S.

About authors: Alekseev K.N., Junior Researcher, e-mail: const1711@mail.ru, Kurilko A.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, Deputy Director, e-mail: a.s.kurilko@igds.ysn.ru, Chersky Mining Institute of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 677980, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia.


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