The principled approaches to the integrated estimation of the system connection between the criteria of the nature protection policy efficiency are discussed. The estimation results are taken as the framework for identifying problems in the nature management and amending mining strategies. The generated trends will enable improvement in the ecological and economic efficiency of strategic programs. The possibility to integrate the nature protection policy efficiency criteria in the system of strategic control of a mine is illustrated: this will enable maximum focusing on efficient mechanisms as well as on realistic and measureable strategic goals and objectives of nature management towards ensured agreement with the nature protection standards. The presented algorithm of the efficiency estimation modernization is based on the formation of initial set of the nature protection efficiency criteria, development of analytical instrumentation and estimation of the criteria, as well as the systematic monitoring of implementation of the pre-set ecological targets of strategic development. Furthermore, the article proposes the rating procedure of nature management based on the integrated system of criteria, score of the degree of achievement of planned criteria and calculation of an integral criterion for each unit in a mine structure. An attempt is made to constructing a science-based system for the efficiency of a mine in the field of nature management based on the formed system of criteria, which allows the realistic assessment, quality planning and expenditure of assets allocated for the performance of obligations and functions in the area of nature protection. The presented research data enable improvement of the efficiency measurement instrumentation which is the basis for the thought-out nature protection policy as well as the efficient strategic and tactic decision-making.


Efficiency measurement system, nature management diagnosis instrumentation, nature protection efficiency criteria, nature protection standards and regulations, nature management decision-making.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.014.3:502.76
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-70-76
Authors: Goncharenko S. N., Korostelev D. B.

About authors: Goncharenko S.N., Professor, e-mail:, Korostelev D.B., Applicant, e-mail:, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.


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