One of the components of subsoil use is underground mining of hard minerals. The problem of ecological security in permafrost zone covering 64% of the territory of Russia consists, first of all, in the extreme sensitivity of this zone to any anthropogenic load. Mining industry essentially affects the whole biosphere: atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. First and foremost, air contamination is critical. Air pollution control in the course of subsoil use needs improving technologies and processes aimed at reduction of toxic gases and dust, as well as at their confinement in mined-out areas without emission to atmosphere. The national security of Russia is threatened by the selective barbaric extraction of solely high-grade ore, which ends in closure of mines and, thereby, in destruction of the industrial branch dealing with strategic resources. The situation can be redressed through the assistance of technologies eliminating high loss of valuable ore in subsoil. This article discusses new technologies of high-quality and productive mineral mining, ecological safety and national security under conditions of permafrost zone of Russia.


Underground mineral mining, permafrost zone, ecological safety, analytical problem solution, semi-commercial testing of new technologies, air contamination control schemes, mining technology with frozen backfill, valuable ore loss and dilution, national security.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 502/504
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-92-106
Authors: Mikhaylov Yu. V.

About authors: Mikhaylov Yu.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, International Independent University of Ecology and Political Science, Moscow, Russia. 125190, Moscow, Russia.


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