Many operating and closed landfills of hard waste in mineral mining are the sources of environmental pollution. Meanwhile, Russia has many such landfills with the expired time of service life. In order to mitigate aggravating effect on nature, it is necessary to arrange systems of gas drainage and infiltrate accumulation, and to determine slope stability of landfills. It is also required to detect pockets of landfill gases and infiltrate to improve efficiency of such systems. The geophysical methods allow effective and fast solution of these objectives. Amongst them, specific place belongs to the current and advanced methods based on tomography. The tomographic measurements, as against the “classical” geophysical approaches, are meant for the analysis of complex-structured two- and three-dimensional media such as waste landfills—complicate and dynamic man-made objects having essentially nonuniform physical properties. The basic geophysical methods to solve the set objectives are seismic tomography and electric tomography. The seismic tomography enables assessment of physical-and-mechanical properties and density of landfills, which is required to determine slope stability of landfills and to locate weakened zones of possible gas pockets. The electric tomography makes it possible to identify zones of infiltrate pockets and hidden voids which can be filled with landfill gases and can induce ground surface subsidence. Physical-and-mechanical properties are assessed based on stable correlations between seismic wave velocities, density, unit weight, internal friction angle and specific cohesion as well as the other indexes of landfil stability. Pockets of infiltrate ad landfill gases are detected based on lower and high values of electric resistivity, respectively. The case studies discussed demonstrate efficiency of geophysical studies implemented at landfills of hard mining waste.


Geophysical methods, electric tomography, seismic tomography, hard waste landfills.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 622+550.83
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-114-120
Authors: Romanov V. V., Malskiy K. S., Poserenin A. I., etc.

About authors: Romanov V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of Chair, Malskiy K.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Dean of the Geophysical faculty, e-mail:, Poserenin A.I., Senior Lecturer, Ivanov A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Dronov A.N., Leading Mine Surveyor, ANO «Subsoil Use Audit and Consulting», 105064, Moscow, Russia, Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidzе (MGRI-RSGPU), 117997, Moscow, Russia. Russian Academy of Sciences, 677018, Yakutsk, Russia.


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