The article presents a detailed analysis of causes of safety code disregard and breach as well as low proficiency of miners. The author thinks that labor management and production safety in mining requires implementation of a package of measures aimed at technical upgrading and intensification of coal mines, reduction in accident and injury rates as well as further development of potential of the coal industry towards the drastic increase in efficiency in compliance with the international standards of labor protection as well as safety of environment and production during coal mining and dressing. The critical problem of the coal industry safety is dust and methane control. The key source of the related disasters is professional disorderliness on all levels, starting from management and finishing with attending personnel. It is not by chance that almost in all mines suffering from accidents, “crude violations of labor and production discipline”, “unauthorized actions of executers” as well as “inefficient production control” and “insufficient knowledge of production safety standards” have been revealed; i.e. accidents and injuries take place because of the human factor, which involves organizational causes as well. The current procedures of labor protection and production safety inefficiently reflect features of industrial environment in coal mines as production objects of heightened hazards in terms of accounting all external and internal risks, specificity of labor protection and production safety and, particularly, effect of the human factor. The calculation of risk levels for mines in the Pechora Coal Basin and under auspices of SUEK Group allowed grouping the mines based on risk categories as well as identifying the most relevant risk groups for each mine and hazards which are the most difficult to predict. Coal mine safety is ensured by high skills and competence of miners, as well as their knowledge and faculty to use modern methods and means of industrial safety in mining.


Сoal industry, human factor, production safety, accident rate, injury rate.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 332.87+338.121
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-227-235
Authors: Savon D. Yu.

About authors: Savon D.Yu., Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:


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