A modern powered roof support involves several hundreds of single-type hydraulic legs. Reliable and efficient operation of such manufacturing system requires sustained lifetime of each leg, which is governed by accuracy of interfaces and joint assemblies. To this effect, the quantitative relations are for the first time set for lifetime, quality and assembling accuracy of machine parts. By pre-set lifetime, these relations make it possible to determine quality grade of assembling accuracy sufficient to ensure the pre-set lifetime of all hydraulic legs in the structure of powered roof support. The problem of required assembling accuracy of machine part is considered. In case that a mining machine building plant lacks high-precision equipment and technologies for manufacturing machine components, it is suggested to ensure the required assembling accuracy by selective assembly by the method of intergroup substitutability. As against other approaches, this method of assembly provides pre-set accuracy and lifetime of joints without formation and accumulation of unfinished production. Joint assembly by the intergroup substitutability method is unique in the small-batch manufacturing and largely assists in handling the problems connected with import substitution of expensive high-precision equipment and technologies for manufacturing of joint assemblies.

For citation: Nabatnikov Yu. F., Ngo Van Tuan Hydraulic legs of powered roof support: accuracy of manufacturing, level of quality, lifetime and their control technology. Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten'. 2019;3:192-198. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-03-0-192-198.


Machine parts, joint assemblies, accuracy, wear of joint assemblies, quality grade of joint assemblies, small-batch manufacturing, selective assembly, intergroup substitutability.

Issue number: 3
Year: 2019
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 621.88/.89
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-03-0-192-198
Authors: Nabatnikov Yu. F., Ngo Van Tuan

About authors: Yu.F. Nabatnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ngo Van Tuan, Graduate Student, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: kaftmr@mail.ru. Corresponding author: Yu.F. Nabatnikov, e-mail: kaftmr@mail.ru.


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