Efficiency of coal preparation plants is almost given no due care. The key figures for subsoil users are processing volume and concentrate yield. Operation of coal preparation plants is mostly based on experimental-and-probabilistic approach to the choice of production process parameters towards maximum possible yield of concentrate. This article discusses optimization of preparation plant performance through coordinated control of separation density in adjacent machine classes in order to reach maximum concentrate yield based on the Reinhard theorem. This is a very important question governing economic efficiency of a plant. The generally accepted approach to coal separation assumes coal dressing targeted at production of adjacent machine class concentrates of the same ash content equal to the required ash content of the overall marketable concentrate at the plant. Such approach may result in the decrease in the total yield of concentrate by 2%. It is no difficult task to calculate that this makes up to 600 thousand tons of concentrate lost in total processing volume of 3 million tons. The problem is proposed to be solved using a procedure of separation density adjustment during processing with a view to maximizing concentrate yield. The procedure is based on selection of coal separation densities such that average ash contents of separation elements of coal fractions in adjacent machine classes are equal to the ash content of separation elements of the overall joint class of coal. Each coal preparation plant should develop efficiency improvement programs and algorithms of reaching optimal operating regime.

For citation: Kozlov V. A., Novak V. I. Optimizing coal preparation plant performance towards maximum concentrate yield. Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten'. 2019;4:175-186. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-04-0-175-186.


Production process, machine coal size class, cal separation density, concentrate, ash content, concentrate yield, separation error, washability curves, beneficiation balance, beneficiation efficiency.

Issue number: 4
Year: 2019
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.7:658.512; 622.7.017.2; 622.7:504.064.43
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-04-0-175-186
Authors: Kozlov V. A., Novak V. I.

About authors: V.A. Kozlov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chief Technologist, е-mail: vak@coralina.ru, V.I. Novak, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of Coal Department, е-mail: novak@coralina.ru, Coralina Engineering, 105005, Moscow, Russia. Corresponding author: V.A. Kozlov, e-mail: vak@coralina.ru.


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