The comparative analysis of implementation of programs for the improvement of working conditions and safety in coal mining regions of the Russian Federation is carried out from standpoints of size of finance and sourcing, target values and main program procedures. The program documents (governmental programs, subprograms within the governmental programs, measures toward improvement of working conditions) in coal mining regions have some distinctive features governed by elevated concentration of risk production in these areas. For example, in the Kemerovo Region, percentage of employees at work under harmful and (or) hazardous conditions exceed the average value in Russia by 1.8 times, the rate of industrial injuries— by 1.6 times and occupational morbidity— by 8.5 times. The program documents, judged from finance and list of measures to be implemented, prefer preventing occupational morbidity and industrial injuries. Notwithstanding, amongst the coal mining regions of Russia, the proportion of subjects which fall behind the target values and permit increased economic loss due to industrial hazards is higher than in the country in whole.

For citation: Korobova O. S., Mikhina T. V. Comparative analysis of programs for the improvement of working conditions and safety in coal mining regions. Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten'. 2019;4:209-219. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-04-0-209-219.


Occupational safety goal management, target values, industrial injuries, occupational morbidity, harmful and (or) hazardous work conditions, economic activity, coal mining.

Issue number: 4
Year: 2019
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.83
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-04-0-209-219
Authors: Korobova O. S., Mikhina T. V.

About authors: O.S. Korobova, Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 117198, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:, T.V. Mikhina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, e-mail:, All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation 105043, Moscow, Russia. Corresponding author: O.S. Korobova, e-mail:


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