The research team of the Institute of Mining, Far East Branch RAS, has developed the method of geomechanical monitoring of rock mass. This method allows detecting hazardous zones of seismoacoustc activity and reveals parameters of dynamic formation of such zones. The approach implemented within this method rests upon the hypothesized three-stage model of irreversible failure of a loaded geo-medium. According to this model, the final stage of failure is an irreversible avalanche process accompanied by potential-to-kinetic energy transition. Using the developed algorithms, the seismically and acoustically active zones are detected by the data of continuous monitoring; then, these zones are identified and classified in accordance with predetermined classes, and connected with the above listed stages of failure. The proposed algorithm of background radiation filtering by the nonparametric density estimator removes extra data for further identification of seismoacoustically active zones and sufficiently reliably puts the background radiation events in a separate group, which allows the parametric estimation of the background radiation with intent to predict dynamic events in rock mass. It is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of probabilistic clustering using the Gustafson–Kessel algorithm to detect possible clusters in the form of ellipsoids with arbitrarily oriented axes, which takes into account the stochastic nature of random processes intrinsic to the wildlife objects. Transition to the parametric description of a focus zone by using the characteristic ellipsoid cuts the amount of data in use by more than 100 times, and allows analysis of the volume and shape of the focus zone both in statics and dynamics. The described algorithms were tested for a long time under mining conditions of rockburst-hazardous deposits of the Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union.

For citation:  Gladyr A. V., Kursakin G. A., Rasskazov M. I., Konstantinov A. V. Method to detect hazardous areas in rock mass from seismoacoustic observations. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2019;(8):21-32. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-08-0-21-32.


Rock deformation, geomechanical monitoring, acoustic event, microseismic event, fractured medium, data filtering, cluster analysis, focus shape.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2019
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.011:539.3
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-08-0-21-32
Authors: Gladyr A. V., Kursakin G. A., Rasskazov M. I., Konstantinov A. V.

About authors: A.V. Gladyr, Senior Researcher, e-mail:, G.A. Kursakin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Researcher, M.I. Rasskazov, Researcher, A.V. Konstantinov, Junior Researcher, Mining Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 680000, Khabarovsk, Russia. Corresponding author: A.V. Gladyr, e-mail:


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