In terms of a coal mine of Mezhegei Coal Company in the Republic of Tyva, Russia, the technology of room-and-pillar mining with coal extraction from rooms and then from pillars is described. It is shown that this mining system involves high mineral loss (up to 30–40%). The potential of improving efficiency of coal extraction from pillars using import equipment—mobile roof support—is revealed. The structure and operation of MRS in foreign mines is described. This technology allows extracting coal from pillars with people and equipment positioned in a safe zone, with controllable roof caving, which prevents large-scale deformation of ground surface. The international practice proves extractability of up to 85–90% of coal from rib pillars under protection of this support type. The purchase of import equipment by Russian mines involves high expenses connected with shipment and customs dues. This article proposes a simpler, safer and chipper MRS structure. In the new design, the system of hydraulic hoist of the roof canopy is replaced by the pneumatic hoist. The basic parameters of MRS are presented. The use of the pneumocylinder in the capacity of the expansion element simplifies the whole structure, reduces injury risk and saves purchase cost of MRS. The put forward engineering solution enables mines using room-and-pillar to extract coal at high efficiency and comparatively low operating cost.

For citation: Sementsov V. V., Ludzish V. S., Prokopenko S. A. Technology and equipment for boosting coal extraction by room-and-pillar mining . MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2019;(10):65-78. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-10-0-65-78.


Mine, seam, coal loss, room-and-pillar mining, pillar, extraction, structure, roof canopy, pneumocylinder.

Issue number: 10
Year: 2019
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.271.3
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-10-0-65-78
Authors: Sementsov V. V., Ludzish V. S., Prokopenko S. A.

About authors: V.V. Sementsov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, e-mail:, V.S. Ludzish, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Researcher, S.A. Prokopenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor; Leading Researcher, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail:, Scientific Centre «VostNII» for Industrial and Environmental Safety in Mining Industry JSC, Kemerovo, 650002, Russia, Corresponding author: S.A. Prokopenko, e-mail:


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