Integrated accident risk assessment in mines

Authors: Pelipenko M. V., Balovtsev S. V., Aynbinder I. I.

The mining is carried out in highly complicated geological and geotechnical conditions nowadays, which determines the relevance of this study. Accidents and emergencies result from ignorance of rock mass properties in project designs. The problem on integrated assessment of risk of injuries, accidents and emergencies yet remains to be solved in mines. The current techniques of accident risk analysis and risk management in mines provide inaccurate results and lack interconnection of all identified hazards. It is necessary to improve the existing procedures of risk assessment and to develop and scientifically substantiate new approaches to risk assessment and risk management in mines. The algorithms of accident risk assessment and reduction in mines should be based on construction of a fault tree with regard to cause-and-effect relations between geotechnical, geological and organizational factors. The main accident risks are identified based on the information from mine project documents, accident localization and management plans, accident statistics, and data of accident investigations. The accomplished analysis of the statistical evidence and mining conditions produced scenarios of various accidents: exogenous fire, gas and dust explosion, blasting of explosives, rock burst, mine damage and flooding. In drawing a fault tree, the minimal combinations of accidents and their minimal paths are determined, and a domino effect is taken into account. The interplay of risks initiating and advancing accidents and (or) emergencies in mines is found.


Keywords: Safety substantiation, mine, accident risk assessment, emergency, aerological accident risk, rock bursts, mine fires, rock falls, flooding, explosion.
For citation:

Pelipenko M. V., Balovtsev S. V., Aynbinder I. I. Integrated accident risk assessment in mines. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2019;(11):180-192. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-201911-0-180-192.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2019
Page number: 180-192
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.8
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-11-0-180-192
Article receipt date: 15.09.2019
Date of review receipt: 05.10.2019
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.10.2019
About authors:

M.V. Pelipenko, General Director, e-mail:,
OOO «Security and Safety Technologies», Moscow, Russia,
S.V. Balovtsev, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor,
Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS»,
119049, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:,
I.I. Aynbinder, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department,
Institute of Problems of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources
of Russian Academy of Sciences, 111020, Moscow, Russia.

For contacts:

S. V. Balovtsev, e-mail:


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