The author reviews literature concerned with methodology of occupational risk evaluation. Essentials of environmental appraisal and environmental risk are described in brief. The article discusses the basic methods of quantitative and qualitative estimation of occupational risk, considering hazard and severity of associated aftereffects, using mathematical methods, risk control model, expert appraisement method and the Fine–Kinney method. Evaluation is given for the methodology known as Shewhart–Deming’s principle allowing process monitoring and control. The significance of the risk control system based on governmental and international standards is presented. The article analyzes the issue of occupational safety and health under conditions of environmental risk with regard to the active legislation and regulatory legal acts on ecology.


Occupational safety and health, occupational risk, environmental risk, occupational hazard, risk valuation and control, hazardous working environment, regulatory legal standards.

Issue number: 5
Year: 2016
UDK: 331.46: 504
Authors: Nimetulaeva G. Sh.

About authors: Nimetulaeva G.Sh., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: 0655441597@mail.ru, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia.

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