The article presents the research results of stress-strain state of the coal massif in the zone of influence of several mine workings in adjacent seams. The task is solved by means of detection of laws of nonlinear deformation of rocks at working of retinue of the coal seams, it has allowed to prove an optimum sequence of mining of seams and rational spatiotemporal position of mining workings. At performance of calculations are accepted mining-and-geological and mining conditions the mine «Esaulsky» in Kuzbas.
For solve this problem developed a mathematical model allowing to take into account the nonlinear deformation of rocks during their transition from elastic to a plastic strains. Numerical simulation based on the finite element method was carried out in complex problem-oriented program, which is developed in the system of symbolic mathematics. As a result of computational experiments obtained area of nonlinear deformation during the withdrawal coalface from the mounting chamber. On the basis of numerical analysis of geomechanical condition of the field of research the conclusion is that the technogenic impact on coal massif has resulted in the softening and cracking of rocks above the mined seam, which contributed to the penetration of water from overlying workings. This conclusion is confirmed by the observation of mine.


Unloading zone, mathematical model, nonlinear deformation of rocks, stope, series of strata, coal massif, numerical modelling.

Issue number: 10
Year: 2016
UDK: 556.5
Authors: Tsvetkov A. B., Pavlova L. D.

About authors: Tsvetkov A.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail:, Pavlova L.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Director of Institute of Fundamental Education, Head of Chair, e-mail:, Siberian State Industrial University, 654007, Novokuznetsk, Russia.

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