One of the methods of improving efficiency of flotation is application of additional centrifugal forces in rotation of flotation solution—centrifugal flotation. In the flotation technique developed at the Institute of Mining of the North, SB RAS, mineral particles are separated with respect to the hydrophobic behavior in a thin surface layer of rotating water flow (pulp). This article describes the results of the experimental research into treatment of gold–antimony ore processing products by centrifugal flotation. The research was implemented on a test bench using laboratory centrifugal flotation machine (CFM) with the center discharge of concentrate. The rational parameters of flotation on the surface of rotation fluid (pulp flow velocity, feed density) are determined for the final scavenging of gold-bearing concentrates. The best gold recovery of 68.7% in concentrate at the content of 54.1 g/t is reached at the pulp flow velocity of 0.45 m/s and the solid/liquid ratio of 1:2; the rate of gold concentration is 2.6. It is found that combination of the centrifugal force of fluid flotation and the hydrophobic properties of minerals improves selectivity of mineral separation; the centrifugal flotation machine is usable for scavenging of concentrates with a view to increasing their quality.


Beneficiation, centrifugal flotation, mineral particle, hydrophobic behavior concentrate, recovery, concentration rate.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.765
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-11-0-186-191
Authors: Salomatova S. I.

About authors: Salomatova S.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientific Secretary, e-mail:, Chersky Mining Institute of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 678980, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia.


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