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Circulation industry cluster management within the mineral mining and processing sector

One of the objectives set by UNO for the sustainable development is efficient production and consumption modeling. To reach the objective, it is required to introduce managerial innovations connected with circulation business models. This study aims to discuss features of closed-cycle production and consumption by means of arrangement of a circulation industry cluster on the basis of the mineral mining and processing sector. The methods of the studies are the analysis, synthesis, observation and review of various information sources. The studies reveal that the circulation industry cluster integrates production units which convert waste into finished products. Mineral mining and processing plants within such cluster generate various value chains in an amount governed by the variety of types and use trends of waste generated at the stages of mining, processing and metallurgical conversion. Engagement of mining and processing plants in a circulation industry cluster can be connected with various synergy effects and with some risks eliminated by means of proper infrastructure management inside the cluster. As a case-study of the Sverdlovsk Region, which is hub of mining, processing and metallurgical plants, with huge waste accumulated, it is proved that the mineral mining and processing sector provides opportunities for the arrangement and management of a circulation industry cluster.

Keywords: circulation industry cluster, mineral mining and processing sector, subsoil use waste, secondary mineral resources, management company, cluster infrastructure.
For citation:

Mochalova L. A., Sokolova O. G., Podkorytov V. N., Eremeeva O. S. Circulation industry cluster management within the mineral mining and processing sector. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(11-1):374—387. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_111_0_374.


The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 20-010-00305A Models and Mechanisms of Transition to Circulation Economy in Subsoil Use.

Issue number: 11
Year: 2021
Page number: 374-387
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 504.06+658+622
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_111_0_374
Article receipt date: 25.05.2021
Date of review receipt: 01.10.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.10.2021
About authors:

Mochalova L. A.1, Dr. Sci. (Economic), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management, е-mail:;
Sokolova O. G.1, Cand. Sci. (Economic), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management, е-mail:;
Podkorytov V. N.1, Cand. Sci. (Economic), Associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management, е-mail:;
Eremeeva O. S.1, Postgraduate student of the Department of Economics and Management, е-mail:;
1 Ural State Mining University, 620144, Yekaterinburg, Kuibysheva str., Russia.


For contacts:

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