G. Rafat - Professor, Germany

Godrat Rafat



Professor, R&K-Geoengineering Ltd, Germany



Dr. Godrat Rafat, Managing Director of R&K-Geoengineering Ltd. Adherent of the Baha’I faith. He is married to Judy Rafat, a popular jazz singer (performed with Dizzy Gillespie’s Big Band) and has three children.


Dr. Rafat promoted communication between the Publishing House of the Moscow State Mining University, later Gornaya Kniga Publishing House, and the European publishers, including Horizon Research Publishing Group.


Dr. Rafat and the Moscow Mining University with its Publishing House became friends in the 1990s. The cooperation with the MMU researchers gave birth to a number of Russia–Germany projects, including, for example, hydrologic research of groundwater contamination at Karachai Lake, Lefortovo Tunnel construction in Moscow and application of seismic equipment in a Vorkuta mine.



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